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80992 München
The company 2k product development is an engineering service provider for the development of high-quality consumer goods and capital goods. The…
86899 Landsberg am Lech
GRP components materials of the ultra-fast prototyping up to series projects of many years we care for our customers from the industries of…
82229 Seefeld/Obb.
Dental Restorative Materials Dental Indirect Restoratives Digital Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Dental Anaesthetics …
85662 Hohenbrunn b. München
not available
90411 Nürnberg
We manufacture and sell worldwide lasers for medical use, especially for ophthalmology, dermatology, dental use, surgery, ENT and gynaecology.…
80333 München
Institution acatech - the GERMAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - represents the interests of German sciences and technology in Germany and abroad. As a…
82205 Gilching
Hard- and software for mobile data entry, mobile terminals, Bar code scanners; Label printers; Mobile computing; Radio coverage; Loading and delivery…
96050 Bamberg
91257 Pegnitz
Active Key GmbH is specialized in the production of computer input devices. The product range includes a variety of keyboards and coumputer mice:…
97204 Höchberg
As a multinational company we are a specialized manufacturer of very effective high quality products for disinfection, sterilization, hygiene,…
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