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1641 results Key sector Environmental Technology Sub-sector All sub-sectors.
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90411 Nürnberg
Laser cutting, Jet cutting; Nibbling and punching; Chamfering; Stainless steel processing; Custom-made products; Metal and metal sheet processing;…
97422 Schweinfurt
Consultation planning, assembly and maintenance of photovoltaic systems
86153 Augsburg
Oil traps ; Petrol traps ; Plants for the treatment of oily waste water (de-oiling installations) ; Sewage water treatment plants, mechanical
90431 Nürnberg
Piping construction; wall ducts; corrosion protection and contraction products; skid plates; mechanical pipe protection; final pipe seals; flange…
81675 München
Architecture; Planning; Design; Refurbishment; Solararchitecture
93309 Kelheim
Special machines for the fleece production
85410 Haag a.d.Amper
Dump containers (for dump truck transport)
93077 Bad Abbach
Water purification solutions with the following technologies: Back rinsing filter, Multi Media filtration, classical and selective ion exchangers,…
91790 Raitenbuch
not available
90552 Röthenbach
Building renovation; Shaft sanitation
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