Key to Bavaria – the foreign trade database

2904 results Key sector Construction Industry Sub-sector All sub-sectors.

Company database

90411 Nürnberg

1.4301! metall und leben GmbH

Laser cutting, Jet cutting; Nibbling and punching; Chamfering; Stainless steel processing; Custom-made products; Metal and metal sheet processing;…

83278 Traunstein


Complex parts in wood and timber construction materials

86159 Augsburg

3DMT GmbH & Co. KG

not available

90431 Nürnberg

4 pipes GmbH

Piping construction; wall ducts; corrosion protection and contraction products; skid plates; mechanical pipe protection; final pipe seals; flange…

81675 München

A+ Büro für Architektur und Projektabwicklung

Architecture; Planning; Design; Refurbishment; Solararchitecture

81371 München

a+p Archi­tek­ten

Architectural services; Industrial buildings; Commercial buildings; Building modifications; Construction supervision; SiGe co-ordinator (security and…

85410 Haag a.d.Amper

A. Bittner GmbH & Co. KG

Dump containers (for dump truck transport)

81245 München

A. Greitner Gebäudereinigung + Service GmbH

Building services

83109 Großkarolinenfeld

A. Maicher GmbH

not available

91522 Ansbach

A. Tisje GmbH

Architecture services (old building: repair, reconstruction, Replika; New buildings: residential homes, special purpose buildings) measurement…

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