Benseler Beschichtungen Bayern GmbH & Co. KG
Automotive Industry, New Materials
Short facts
- Distributor
- Manufacturer
- Research & Development
- Service Provider
- Year founded 1988
- 260 Employees (site)
- Turnover: 10m - <50m EUR
Products/services: Wet lacquer finishing; Cathodic dip painting; Surface finishing; Plastic coating; Chromatizing; Varnishing; Highly flexible indirect gravure printing; Wet varnishing; Phosphatizing; Pad printing; Surface coating; PVD-coating; Degreasing; Manual painting; Robot painting; Assembly; Power-wash
Basic data
Benseler Beschichtungen Bayern GmbH & Co. KG
Brunfeldstr. 7
PC / City
94327 Bogen
Lower Bavaria
+49 9422 8514-0
+49 9422 8514-26
Language skills
English, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian
Contact person
Purchasing: Michael Riess (Mr.)
Management: Dr. Mathias Mühleisen (Mr.)
Core competencies
Automatic painting; Manual painting; Coating of metallic and non-metallic material; Coating of plastic material; Online preatreatment; Different kinds of pretreatments; Painting of interieur parts; Painting of body parts (automotive)
Key sectors / sub-sectors
- Automotive Industry: Coatings and lacquers
- New Materials: Surface treatment plants and equipments
- New Materials: Varnish and plastics coating, printing, embossing, flocking
- New Materials: Varnishes, finishes and coatings
- ISO 14001 - DIN EN ISO 14001
- ISO/TS 16949
Sales markets - target industries
Automobilbranche; Elektronikbranche; Medizintechnik
Sales markets - target countries
not available
Cooperation offers
not available